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Whoa! What a depressing thread. From the thread one would conclude this is not a country but a collection of economic interests.

Hopefully this dry soulless perspective is limited to a small technical group in the bay area.

You will simply not got this level of callousness in any country with a sense of a 'collective history and shared existence'.

Sure there is 'callousness' in many places but there is also a sense it is wrong. Here some seem to have not only shed the sense of guilt or collective existence but celebrate their lack of empathy. No wonder this is the only country that takes rand seriously.

>No wonder this is the only country that takes rand seriously.

Most of the people who show no empathy to rural America are actually extremely left, self-righteous city dwellers who hate Rand.

I often get the feeling that most left-leaning people who don't show empathy towards rural America are actually only left-leaning because that's the "morally correct" stance. Evidently, they don't care at all about others and will take every chance they can get---that is, every situation in which it is socially and politically acceptable for leftists---to feel superior.

I'm not saying the right has any more empathy. I'm not saying the world needs more or less Rand.

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