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Certainly the data you get will be of better quality that way, I just don't know that you'll get a huge quantity of it. Seems like for better or worse, Netflix is going for a higher quantity of ratings. (As well as the possible ulterior motive mentioned elsewhere in this thread, of making lame movies look not-so-bad - like helping out the dullards in class by grading it pass/fail.)

An exquisitely detailed system like Airbnb's costs the user more time & hassle. Which means, assuming you make it voluntary, that a lot of them skip it. Meanwhile a simple/easy system like this, turns a scalpel into a sledgehammer somewhat, but you get a lot of them. So there's a balance to be struck for your site's particular userbase.

I agree, that's a good point. I think it's a different cost/value proposition with Airbnb vs Netflix, since you paid for a, sometimes expensive, service and then when the service is rendered you can review it, whereas with Netflix, while you are paying for the service you're not paying directly for a movie/show. So, with Airbnb, since you invested a bit of money you feel like you should take the time and review, but with Netflix, if it's not too simple you may just skip the review.

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