Thanks for pitching in an opinion from the perspective of a user. How heavy a user are you (if I can ask) - joints/day?
I guess you raise an interesting point; the life enrichment versus the "although it usually takes me longer" aspect is the trade off.
I wonder at which point that becomes too much?
I've attempted a number of drugs over the years on the belief that you can't really hold an opinion without knowing all the facts, and trying it. I readily admit a slight bias arising from the fact I never really "got" any of the highs; the trade off was instantly too much for me.
I try not to smoke joints; the water bong is much friendlier on your lungs and throat. I probably average 1-2 joints' worth per day.
I think a lot about whether pot has been a net positive in my life, and honestly I'm still unsure. Certainly I enjoy the experience, and I've met some great people as a result, but it comes with a cost (in dollars as well as time). Jury's still out.
I should add that I have a deep-seated loathing for most kinds of alcohol. I enjoy an occasional glass of red wine, but my alcohol consumption is easily less than 1 drink per week.
I guess you raise an interesting point; the life enrichment versus the "although it usually takes me longer" aspect is the trade off.
I wonder at which point that becomes too much?
I've attempted a number of drugs over the years on the belief that you can't really hold an opinion without knowing all the facts, and trying it. I readily admit a slight bias arising from the fact I never really "got" any of the highs; the trade off was instantly too much for me.