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This is the one "killer feature" that keeps me on a Mac.

Stealing focus is more than annoying -- it's dangerous. When a Windows dialog pops up with focus set to "OK", all it takes is a press of the space bar and poof! you've just "clicked" OK on God knows what. Even worse, now that it's dismissed, you can't go back and see what you just OKed.

The next 30 seconds are sure to be spent wondering "what's about to happen? Will the system reboot? Did I just install an upgrade? Or open the firewall? or ???"

Agreed, this is probably my #1 pet hate on any modern OS, along with the "web page loads a new element somewhere above the cursor just as I click, sending my click to a new and unwanted place."

I saw that happen consistently on a web page I forgot. It was a scheme! There was an event trigger on a text element and it popped open a div to scroll a picture right below your mouse cursor.

I've noticed that some programs are courteous enough to deactivate focus so that pressing space/enter doesn't do anything. Though I'm guessing they just forgot to set MessageBoxResult.

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