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> "or (ii) I could stay on the team, but I would have to understand that he would most likely give me a poor performance review when review time came around, and there was nothing they could do about that."

I fully believe that her manager sexually harassed her and should have faced much harsher consequences, but it's almost inconceivable that HR would frame her options this way. No doubt she feared retribution, but did HR really tell her to expect it? It's hard to know what to make of specifics like these, when words get paraphrased.

In any case, the manager's behavior and HR's response were inexcusable.

Please try to get better at conceiving things, it's important. This is totally plausible given the rest of the extremely credible account.

> Please try to get better at conceiving things, it's important.

Snotty replies probably don't have the effect you intend.

The author was brave to write this, and the article is important.

My negative post was probably unwarranted, but it was only meant as stylistic criticism, not to cast doubt on her credibility. There are several quotes that seem paraphrased in a way that benefits her point of view. Another example: her manager says he won't order the women's jackets because they cost "a little more than the men's jackets." Did he really say they cost a little more? Or did he say they cost more? People rarely add superfluous adjectives that weaken their own argument.

This probably seems like I'm nitpicking, and I am. Maybe her manager really did say they'd only cost "a little bit more," and maybe HR suggested the idea that her manager would probably give her a bad review. I don't know. But if not, my point is this: if you're writing as damning an account as this, you can afford to write it neutrally, particularly when a sentence that begins with "He said...", "They said...", etc. It will actually come off stronger.

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