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Wierd how Sharia is not extremism as it encourages death for apostacy among other harsh rules...

Doesn't the bible? Exodus 35:2 " For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death."

Most Christians will interpret this in an enlightened way, either death meaning "spiritual death" or some other explanation. However if you are a biblical literalist, I mean the bible encourages death for nonbelievers, among other troubling stuff.

Many, perhaps most, Christians (especially Biblical literalists) would also point out that Acts (particularly 15:22-29) explicitly states that requirements and penalties of the Jewish law, but for a short list of enumerated exceptions, do not apply to non-Jews (particularly, non-Jewish Christians), only Jews (whether or not they are actually Christians), whether or not they also view the penalty in an "enlightened" way where it does apply.

If we are trully being literal, the 10 commandments only applies to the Jews as well. Gentiles only had to follow Noahide laws which doesn't even require worship or acknowledgement of the one true God. They tend to leave those bits out.

So, they cherry pick. I don't know anything about Sharia but I'm sure there are lots of cherry pickers among its followers as well.

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