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Ideas are utterly worthless. Execution is everything.

I freely give every single idea (some actually valuable!) I've ever had away for free. Because I know if someone is better at implementing it than I am, they are the ones who provided the world value. Not me for dreaming it up and then doing nothing about it - there are millions of me's, and ideas without execution are not interesting.

I give most of my ideas away, since I've ruled them out as not being optimal uses of my own time.

I've done the teeth pulling NDA and noncompetes with a lot of people, just so they would tell me their original idea that I'm contractually bound not to copy for a limited time in a limited geographic area or tell anyone about. And I realized how unoriginal all of them are. If they weren't so concerned about people copying their idea they would have gotten feedback on it a lot sooner for the simple answer of "Hey, Spotify does this already, did you check the menu options?" running completely counter to their market research and conclusion that "nobody" is doing this and its "huge".

>Ideas are utterly worthless.

>I freely give every single idea (some actually valuable!)

A solid contradiction ;) But I understand your intentions.

I guess value and worth can have subtlety different meanings

Ha. Good point :)

Tell that to the Winklevoss twins

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