It defilitely lags a bit on desktop (as said before) and it seems confused about whether it should scroll or zoom when I tried swiping on the touchscreen of my laptop, eventually becoming completely unresponsive until a refresh of the page.
Also, maybe leave scrolling for scrolling and have click+drag as the zoom function (on desktop I mean)? It feels natural on maps to zoom with the wheel, but this looks tempting to scroll and then when you try, it goes all zoomy.
When clicking on the "+" I very stupidly tried to hunt down the escaping dot daring me to "drag it". This might be a problem on my part.
I did the same thing with the fab and it gave me a chuckle. Perhaps you should speed the animation up and/or perhaps deemphasise the moving portion (transparency? desaturate?)?
This is nuts! It took me a few minutes to figure out how the information was laid out, but once I did, I was blown away. I'll be installing this on my phone right away.
This is an awesome way to interface with your calendar. But for me (on Safari 10 on a 2015 MacBook Pro), zooming (via scroll) was too slow (like, 1. do 2 finger scroll on trackpad; 2. wait 3 seconds for it to finish the animation 3. scroll in more because it didn't go far enough). Maybe I'm too caffeinated or maybe there's some Safari/Mac related thing making it slow, but I would need much faster zoom-in/zoom-out for this to be usable.
Two things that I would like to see:
* horizontal (landscape) mode, especially the tablet / desktop (web) version, maybe with something like timelines mentioned here
* some way of marking when beginning and end of box representing even actually falls on begin and end time (perhaps bolder lines, perhaps some shading, perhaps adding "handles" i.e. ------- to -----, etc.)
I also wonder how do you represent whole-day events.
This is awesome. I seem to have run into an issue where if I keep the window open for a long time, the bar indicating "now" stops moving.
My use case might not be common, but I would absolutely love it if I could zoom in and use OneView as a Pomodoro tracker, have it in the corner of my screen so I can see what I'm supposed to be working on and how far through the Pomodoro I am.
Unfortunately the aforementioned bug makes that a non-starter for now. But I'm excited about the future!
Clever and original, and the Android app is very nicely implemented. Congrats.
I don't know if I'll use it. First impressions are that I prefer fixed day/week/month formats as my eyes and fingers know what to do with them without seeking. But it's intriguingly new enough for me to want to try it out for a while.
There seems to be a bug that affects Mac trackpads with momentum scrolling — when I scroll quickly zoom speed slows to a crawl, then gets faster as the momentum runs out. Otherwise, it's incredibly smooth!
This looks really neat! I'd love a minimap feature (a la Sublime et al). Something that could give me a high-level overview without enormous detail, but that also doesn't require me to zoom out.
Hi, well yes that is but design. It may take some getting use to. When zooming out of only shows the most important appointment and a small number telling you that there is more to see by zooming in.
Well the stack is small :)
No backend. No db.
Using Typescript to get some compiler help, instead of plain js.
No libraries for the graphical parts.
All drawn on an html canvas.
And finally wrapped up to native with Cordova.
Hmmm ... still using cordova!! Did you consider React Native? Is there a problem with this app being ported with React Native? Btw, nice app, and will try to see if it works for my needs.
For anyone that didn't know it is a native android app also, not only a web app, check here: