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"Smart" TVs are the worst TVs I've ever used, I really don't understand the appeal whatsoever.

They're almost universally clunky and slow with horrific UI / UX choices and painfully high latency on simple things like browsing a list of files or even just registering button presses, provide fuck all useful benefit over and above the regular TV experience, are usually running some long-deprecated version of Android which is riddled with security holes that will never get patched - why does anyone actually want this?

A Raspberry Pi running OSMC is everything you could ever want out of a home media setup, it'll work with good old regular "dumb" TVs that can't invade your privacy, with an interface so simple your grandparents can use it, and can be put together for well under $50.

And then there's Tizen which is even worse than Android Smart TVs. Dad bought a Samsung Smart TV with Tizen (even though I begged him to change his mind and buy a better solution for half the price) and expecting the worst I was _still_ suprised what an absolute piece of garbage that TV is.

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