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> Rustdoc has a search bar at the top.

Let me assure you that I mean only the best for this language and I appreciate your persistent willingness to help, but I want to help debug your use of internal terminology that doesn't help beginners.

"rustdoc" is not how you should be telling beginners to look for documentation. As far as I can tell, "rustdoc" is the tool for generating documentation, not searching it. I assume you use rustdoc a lot and that's why the name comes to mind.

Maybe the term is overloaded, but I cannot find anything called "rustdoc" that involves a search bar. Googling for "rustdoc" gives many forms of Rust documentation, none of which have a search bar. DuckDuckGo-ing for "rustdoc" (as some documentation suggests instead of Googling) gets me some of the same things, plus rustdoc.com, which is a big honking security warning on top of someone's broken personal blog.

I know that exact link you gave me includes a search bar, but that's an example of finding the answer because you already know it.

And if you know to go to doc.rust-lang.org and go to the Standard Library API Reference, you get a search bar, but that's not where I would think of going to answer the question "how do I iterate lines".

That's why I end up Googling and getting to Stack Overflow, full of wrong answers and someone named Shepmaster yelling at newbies.

As I said in the other thread, I truly appreciate it. :)

Sorry, as I mentioned elsewhere I was in a meeting; I should have just waited to apply to you. It's true that "rustdoc" is overloaded, people use it to mean "rustdoc's output" which would mean the standard library docs in this case. My bad!

o/ waves

Please make sure to leave a comment and/or downvote any answers that are wrong to help people coming after you. I also apologize for whichever specific way I harmed you.

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