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Their revenue ($400MM) is impressive for a messaging app, but honestly, the valuation it carries at this point is nuts. It's just an app and I personally don't believe it has a sufficient economic moat to justify that. Where's the ecosystem? How can we bolt on value from having that audience? Unlike Facebook, we won't have a billion people using Snapchat any time soon.

Then again, I didn't believe Instagram was worth $1bn when acquired either, and looking back, was wrong on that. But there's a massive disconnect between the current valuation of Snapchat, and the valuation of Instagram (when it was acquired).

>Their revenue ($400MM) is impressive for a messaging app

Compared to Line and Wechat its really not

You're right. I converted the Line Corp yen revenue number to USD, but looks like I missed a zero. Line has a market cap of $7bn, and does $1bn in revenue.

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