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Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think he/she mentions open source at all?

At the same time it's better to have a working project and having the satisfaction of shipping than going in circles trying to appease everyones definitions of open source.

The whole thing is about "show your Github contributions", further cementing Github's monopolism, right?

I think it's more "I've created a way to make your Github contributions into a poster." I understand where you are coming from, but it's a tad bit reactionary, don't you think?

If I created a website for you to turn a user's facebook activity statistics into a T-Shirt I would hope that you don't think it is contributing to facebook's monopolism of social media.

Maybe a way to also include Bitbucket statistics (or something) would be nice. I don't know. Sorry, I might indeed have been quite harsh.

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