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Nexia | www.nexiahome.com | Full-stack Ruby / JS (React) Developer | Broomfield, CO | Full Time


  * Profitable home automation business, since 2009

  * We integrate Z-wave devices, as well as a number of 3rd-party services including Nest and Alexa

  * A small team (9 developers, 1 UX) backed by the resources of Ingersoll-Rand
Hiring Process:

  * One phone interview

  * Onsite interview

  There will be a practial component, intended to show off problem-solving skills, not necessarily esoteric tricks.

  * Reference checks

  * Full-stack software developer

  * Technologies include: Ruby without Rails, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, JS+React

  * We'd be interested in experience with languages such as Go and/or Elixir as well.

email sgee@irco.com

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