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Could you explain how I'm not being sober and rational here, preferably without using the word "lie" (I'm not intending to deceive, so I am at worst mistaken) or the phrase "virtue signaling" (which is basically a slightly more polite way to say "fuck you" and is not productive)?

What else would I expect you to do? I'd expect you to stop complaining about imaginary slights and insulting people for talking about things that they dislike.

What do you think I should do? You haven't given me any suggestions, just virtually shouted at me for being such a lying asshole. So I should... what? You said the ACLU mounted the only effective opposition, maybe I should donate to them? Well, I did already. Hmm, if I were virtue signaling, wouldn't I put that front and center on everything I write? Hey everybody, look at how virtuous I am, I donated to the ACLU!

Sorry, my timeout kicked in and I couldn't reply quickly.

I apologize if my comments seem overly directed at you personally; that was not my intent and I should have made a top-level comment. You're a good guy and perhaps I've misunderstood how effective your approach will be over time.

Best, Erich

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