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> New view controllers continually being introduced by Apple and Google are not available in React Native. So if you want to get fancy with UX, you are out of luck. Or won't get a net benefit when you start doing native development to get around the limits of React Native.

It looks like this problem is acknowledged and addressed by the React Native folks[1] : React Native has several of the most critical platform components already wrapped, like ScrollView and TextInput, but not all of them, and certainly not ones you might have written yourself for a previous app. Fortunately, it's quite easy to wrap up these existing components for seamless integration with your React Native application.

If your app has some innovative UI, but you can reuse most of the code from React Native for some basic parts of the app, wouldn't you benefit from using React Native? Or is [1] not that "quite easy" ?

If you plan to have your app run on both iOS and Android (and Windows 10), what is the downside of React Native?

I wonder how React Native stands vs. Cordova and Xamarin, performance wise and ease-of-use. I'm thinking it falls somewhere in between Cordova and Xamarin, but I'd love to hear people's experience on this.

[1] https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/native-componen...

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