You can put the names of the countries into the spaces on the board and add/subtract from letter values appropriately.
This gives you:
(Shoreline Amphitheatre)
5/17, 5/18, 5/19 are the dates of Google I/O, at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA.
EDIT: Haha, I guess we're faster than they expected or this leaked early, since completing it links you to which just says "check back soon".
That's really too bad. I've been going to Google IO for five years and that venue they moved to last year, Shoreline Amphitheatre, was a disaster.
They had insufficient room for all the talks. So I waited an hour for the first talk I wanted to attend, just to get kicked out of line due to the room reaching capacity. Then I gave up my next time slot to wait in line 1 time slot ahead of time for the third time slot, but once I got in they kicked me out saying I couldn't come in one time slot before, everyone is kicked out at the end of each.
Throw in a really bad set of key notes - the Android one did have some useful content for developers, but everything else, Allo, Duo, Google Assistant was just Google's marketing arm exploiting a captive audience to try to get future users and wasn't anything useful for me as a developer.
Add in a ton of VR talks all citing their special remote control, but they didn't give us one of them, so we all kept developing on our Gear VRs anyway. This was the first Google IO I'd been to with no development hardware.
At the end I asked for a refund since I had really gained nothing as a developer and just spent a long time waiting in lines and not getting any content and Google refused.
As far as I can tell, it is their intention to make it a music festival from now on and not developer focused. Going to something like AndDevCon would be much more valuable. It's too bad, really, because professional conferences like GDC make sure to poll users to find session interest ahead of time and make sure they plan capacity correctly. Google IO was just useless amateur hour co-opted by Google marketing to exploit some captive press and potential users of their new chat apps no one likes.
The "Transmission" video is using
It is a bunch of numbers being recited (though I don't know the significance of the static image):
"053 050 046 049 056 050 049 044 032 050 048 046 057 057 054 053" It then pauses and repeats for exactly 5 minutes.
Translated (by others in this thread), it turns into 52.1821, 20.9965, which brings you to the number 18, in Poland. It also links to this Google Drive folder titled "Latest Discoveries":
This has a few photos of statues of the Buddha and a couple of temples. I find the photo that looks corrupted the most interesting, as I think there is data hidden in there (similar to 4chan.js if you've ever heard of that).
The file names of the photos are shrine.jpg, statue.jpg, spire.jpg, pillar.jpg, and cave.jpg.
This has been bugging me for days...trying to figure out how you knew to go down, right, left, etc. I finally figured it out.
Start at the end. That's a 9. The only way that we could have landed on that 9 is either moving down or right. So, look at each number on that path and see which one would have got us there. There is an 8 that is 8 squares above 9, so that's the second last number. Now, how did we land on the 8? There is a 1 that is one square to the left, so the next number is 1. And so on.
I cannot reply the sibling comments yet, but "where have you been?" could refer to where we were for the past 4 clues: 5 - Brazil, 17 - England, 18 - Poland, 19 - Thailand
All you need to do is sum up the numbers on each row/column. Horizontal will produce the latitude (except after the 1,), and vertical will produce the longitude.
I think for the chess game we have the play the game backwards.. I am trying to play the game forward, but not clear what is the delineation for the comma or period in the lat lon.. maybe black can put white into check?
14.2981, 101.2189
Start from top: down right left down right right up down down right down
It's a maze; worked backwards from the numbers that have commas and points next to them.
Number: 19; Title: Thailand
its not showing the best here but > and < are pointing into #1 in top left and away from 9 bottom right maybe a clue?
Pei Xiu outlined six principles that should be observed when creating a map. He then defended his position and each of the six principles with a short explanation as to how they provide better accuracy in map-making and cartography. The first three principles outlined the use of scale (fan lu), direction (zhunwang), and road distance (daoli), while the last three principles are used to properly calculate distances on uneven terrain as represented on a flat, two dimensional map
I was thinking maybe it was part of a chip bag. Then you could run that fancy subpixel-motion sound extraction algorithm on it pretty easily (fitting with "See What Cannot Be Heard").
But the timecodes are probably a more likely thing...
Sheesh I'm dense, I think I need an animated GIF of how you're moving through the maze. I can see 1-4.-2 but then do you keep moving right a second time, two spaces, to that 9? And then you move... nine spaces to... where?
If you start at the bottom-right you can count either up or left. Going 8 places up lands on an 8 (this is the only square where delta from bottom right = number in the square) which means that square was the previous one.
The "Go" tile links to a GitHub user with a single repo named "trailhead": Whatever it is, it seems like it's happening right now...
This reminds me of another puzzle which requires being able to afford to travel to specific geographical locations (Cicada 3301). I really hope this isn't how Google intends to find new employees.
You can put the names of the countries into the spaces on the board and add/subtract from letter values appropriately.
This gives you:
(Shoreline Amphitheatre)
5/17, 5/18, 5/19 are the dates of Google I/O, at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA.
EDIT: Haha, I guess we're faster than they expected or this leaked early, since completing it links you to which just says "check back soon".