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Say that you dont remember the exact arguments for main and move on. It will be fine.

And don't assimilate fizzbuzz with half hour problems. There are for sure some difficult half hour interviews questions; they are not comparable to trivial exercises like printing the numbers from 1 to 10.

P.S. If you never use console, strings or regex. I really wonder what kind of applications you're writing.

Mostly web. You always use a logging lib so no console really ever. Strings are used all the time but not substring or splice, 90% of uses for those are anti patterns tbh.

Regex really never. Unless you're munging data in Python it's usually a bad idea to use regex. Clean strings? Use a library. Parsing? Use a parser. Raw regex implies filtering stuff or banning certain characters in strings which breaks all kinds of multi language compatibility

I use regex all the time for refactoring stuff and transforming data. There is nothing else to achieve that. Also, for log/message filtering at times.

Well, I am obviously the guy who write the tools and the libraries, so you don't have to know these things yourself but I do :D

It's not that I don't know them, it's that only idiots roll their own instead of using libraries.

Every time I see a regex cleaning strings I instantly know the app was written by an ametuer and probably horrible and full of security issues. Oh it globally replaces this bad token but not recursively? Great

I use regex for searching logs all the time but never in production apps. I can write some pretty mean regex but I can't remember the function call for string replace off the top of my head. For me regex is 99% in a text editor.

Really when do you split up strings without using a tokenizer or parser of some sort? Manual string manipulation is usually dumb and error prone. The only time I find myself doing it is when stuffing crap into bobs "extras" db field which is actually a bunch of 80 char strings delimited by the pipe character.

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