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I really doubt it would be that easy to KO Facebook. Remember Orkut? Google is great at a lot of things, but building online communities is not one of them. Also, as has been pointed out in other discussions: most Facebook users don't care and aren't going to leave unless there's a compelling reason. A lot of their photos are already locked into Facebook -- it's going to take a lot to show them a greener pasture, and I doubt "better privacy" is going to be one of them.

Orkut is just not popular in your country.

Here in Brazil it wasn't until last year that people started even knowing what Facebook/Myspace is.

The social rule around here is Orkut + MSN Messenger. Unfortunately it led to a wave of "@hotmail" emails, but that's another thing.

I'm not saying Orkut isn't popular anywhere, but by any metric it's not as popular as Facebook is globally.

It's just that your "Remember Orkut?" remark made it sound like it wasn't even around anymore.

Here in the Netherlands we have 'hyves', and until last year 'hyves' was pretty much 'it'.


says it all.

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