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Real specifications being, "save user's text and display it back", or "save user input that is in English ASCII excluding special characters and no larger than 160 characters"? I get a lot of the first, with emphasis being on the users perspective.

I do know to consider things like sql injection and having js injected into the site. But I don't know what a special white space character from a Persian alphabet will do to my server. Until today I haven't actually thought about it. Not every language handles strings the same, as you pointed out.

I still think it's good to have around for helping you reveal what you don't know, about what you don't know.

Real specifications relate preconditions to postconditions. Preconditions and postconditions, in turn, are predicates on the program state. The mathematical techniques for writing programs that meet their formal specifications have been known for a few decades already.


Replying as an edit, because HN complains that “I'm submitting too fast”:

Sure, what you said applies to entire applications. But something relatively stable and small, like, um, the definitions of HTML, JSON, SQL, etc. (do they become larger every time your boss requests a new feature?) surely should have formal specifications.

I would love "real" specifications. But right now I'm already dealing with a boss that has no idea what he wants in terms of the UI. Simultaneously demanding I "know" what should be done without "taking on things nobody asked for."

Alas, I don't work at NASA where these formalities exist. I'm given a rough sketch that I'm expected to bring into life, throw away and recreate again on a whim.

Please note that I am not complaining, nor excusing. Only pointing out that our expectations, environments, and programming languages are different. Each can massively affect how the program should handle the input. Adding checks helps, but does not mitigate the need for a nice set of test data to help verify everything runs the way we expect it to behave.

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