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If for some reason you actually need to understand 30kloc in 17 files in any meaningfully substantial fashion, I posit this will always require some time investment on your part. (Such as outcommenting most of `main` / a module, then progressively interactively proceeding to dive into the codebase via repl/compile trial+error etc.) I gather that such diagrams and visual aids etc help much more once one's basic understanding "clicks": as most of us can more easily mentally lock-in our understanding for later recollection via some visual mnemonics / cues.

As always.. not the silver bullet, just the perfect tool for a context and use-case only you can decide/suspect/discover =)

Edit: actually looked at the screens. Hmmm seems like a language/programming learner-aid tool mostly. Fair game for dem young'uns I guess!

Getting and understanding for the architecture of a code base is often very hard (time consuming) just based on the code. There are usually some high-level principles behind how the code base is put together, but rarely is this effectively communicated in the code. Usually it is comunicated in a sidechannel like a diagram (which may be outdated), or orally from someone experienced with the code base (assuming someone is available). Module import graphs and callgraphs can be useful for this. But because they are rarely used when writing/designing the software, good outputs are rarely optimized for. For instance reducing the number of levels in the module hierarchy, possibly simplifying both architecture and the resulting diagrams.

Sure it will involve time investment on my part, but I want a visualization tool to help lighten that investment and help me come to the understanding more quickly.

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