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Steve Jobs’s worst decision was promoting Tim Cook (qz.com)
16 points by rm2889 on Jan 10, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Why does everything have to be hyperbolic? It wasn't his worst decision. The man died because he didn't get his curable cancer taken care of soon enough. Or his worst decision might be he didn't acknowledging his daughter sooner.

Tim Cook isn't Steve and has done a lot of things right, but he's still not Steve so this story will be written 100 more times until a new "Visionary" CEO is anointed.

This speaks more to journalism then it does to Steve. Please stop.

Journalist these days feel that every single title needs to be as shocking as possible because they are desperate for you to click.

I've learned to hate the words "baffled", "shocked", etc. because journalists basically spam them for clickbait.

>>>Satya Nadella ... released a new version of Windows without the usual trauma...

That's about the third time I've read similar sentiments in a 'Nadella is perfect' tinted article. I guess the massive uproar about; forced updates, phoning home and data-slurping, in Windows 10 must have completely passed some tech journalists by.

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