a bunch of useful color links I've accumulated over the years:
* https://dtrejo.com/colorslice/ - I made this b/c i wanted multi-color picking and good schemes from images and husl and multiple editable color formats
It looks neat, but I have a subtle suggestion; why not output CSS HSL colour codes instead of RGB? It's supported in all relevant browsers (IE9+).
HSL has the benefit of explicitly showing the colour's hue, saturation, and lightness — meaningful values compared with RGB's three colour channels, which is something you might want to stimulate with a tool like this.
With HSL a minor change in saturation or lightness can also be done directly from the CSS (or SASS) code by whoever is maintaining the stylesheet.
# Green.
hsl(130, 41%, 33%)
rgb(50, 119, 62)
# Slightly more vibrant green — note that only the saturation value changes.
hsl(130, 53%, 33%)
rgb(39, 130, 55)
I did a big survey of site stylesheets a while back and HSL use in practice is super, super low. I'll see if I can dig up that old spreadsheet.
And that's the reason I love your suggestion. With some browser support reassurances to the user (HSL is safe to use!), a neat tool like this outputting HSL could help the HSL adoption rate. HSL is pretty nice to work with, so I'd love to see more of it.
Ah, yes! I had it set up like that in the beginning, but turned it off because I wasn't sure what the expected outcome was. Can flip it back and add a "reset" button for the Adjusters. Thanks for the feedback.
Curious if there's a reason Disqus is the main comment app. What about Facebook/other social media? I was thinking of bundling them together perhaps mix results.
Also I like the design/style of the site though I think white text on black isn't a good practice eg. Harder to read due to contrast. That's just my opinion though and not backed by anything, I'm not an expert designer just my opinion.
I've been using it on an iPhone 6 and it's better. I still miss and get the horizontal slider from time to time, but feeling better now. What do you think?
* https://dtrejo.com/colorslice/ - I made this b/c i wanted multi-color picking and good schemes from images and husl and multiple editable color formats
* http://speculo.co/ - preview colors on layouts
* http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/ - colors for data scientists
* https://color.hailpixel.com/ - fun color picker
* http://tristen.ca/hcl-picker/#/hlc/6/1/20313E/EFEE68 - hcl picker
* http://www.hsluv.org/ - human friendly hsl
* https://www.randoma11y.com/#/?_k=nm2tko - check color a11y
* https://snook.ca/technical/colour_contrast/colour.html#fg=33... - contrast checker