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> And every single time I was just fixing someone's lazy programming.

Often, the kinds of mistakes you mention are not due to laziness, but instead to ignorance. Many web developers come from a graphic design or old school "webmaster" background and some never really mastered programming as a skill. They're comfortable writing and/or copy-pasting small scripts using jQuery or some favorite library for minor enhancements to a page, but struggle when it comes to building a cohesive, performant, well-designed application for the front-end.

I myself was a member of this group until about 2007-2008, when I made a concerted effort to upgrade my programming skills. I did intensive self-study of algorithms, data structures, low-level programming, functional programming, SICP (most of it) and K&R C (all of it), etc.

More recently, Coursera and EdX have been a great resource for me to continue to advance for software development skills.

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