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One interesting counterpoint to what you're saying: async/await are not ES6.

Although I'm 100% on board with ES6 adoption, there's a slightly worrying element of everyone having a different definition of what it is.

Some NPM packages have a "jsnext:main" attribute allowing you to redirect the "main" JS file to load, but it requires you to only use ES6 modules + features currently supported by Node. So you end up transpiling two versions from the original source. It's messy.

Neither is object spread, but yeah I've stopped worrying about those labels. For the most part people treat "ES6" as "all new JS features", and that's not going to go away soon.

Though when I see ES2015, I tend to take it literally.

But moving forward it's going to be important to see what version of the language people are using in their libraries. I can already see github badges for "ES2015 only" or "ES2016+" or something.

Or maybe a plugin which will scan the sources you import into your project and give you warnings if a library is using a feature you aren't supporting/transpiling...

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