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Pete Hunt, one of the original developers of React at Facebook, began work on a Cassowary-like layout engine at one point and came to the conclusion (whether rightly or wrongly) that arbitrary constraint-based layout is too user hostile to pursue further.

I too like constraint-based layout, but I have to admit flexbox is nice in that it has very predictable behavior. The main hangup I have with flexbox is that it doesn't allow for layout based on aspect ratios, but Yoga has extensions that resolve this issue.

> Pete Hunt, one of the original developers of React at Facebook, began work on a Cassowary-like layout engine at one point and came to the conclusion (whether rightly or wrongly) that arbitrary constraint-based layout is too user hostile to pursue further.

I think that pg's point #2 from this post applies


Off topic but I read #2 and I can't for the life of me think of why he would consider Cobol a bad language, perhaps he has no personal experience with it.

There are some mentions here


"It is a mistake to try to baby the user with long-winded expressions that are meant to resemble English. Cobol is notorious for this flaw. A hacker would consider being asked to write."

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