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Plantuml is (I think) built on top of graphviz. In any case the syntax is extraordinarily similar. This[1] is similar to the first example:

  component ripgrep
  component ignore
  component globset
  component grep

  ripgrep --> ignore
  ignore --> globset
  ripgrep --> globset
  ripgrep --> grep
You can get the structure right, and easily, but those beautiful icons are not something that I know how to create, and the 90-degree turns are I think actually impossible.

The fact that it is so elegantly expressed in plantuml but it's still so ugly (by default) makes me really wish for a theme that's as nice as the hand-created diagram the author wrote.

[1]: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/SoWkIImgAStDuU9ApiyjoCz...

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