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When I was younger, half the fun was trying to obtain the limited availability consoles!! Now it's no longer fun, just refresh a page and hope resellers don't buy up inventory before you can grab one.

I'm still impressed that my mom somehow managed to get me an n64 for that first Christmas they were available! I was in disbelief since I was certain they were impossible to get. 13yo me had all the local toy store #s memorized and I'd call every day asking if they received any shipments. No dice.

Shadows of the Empire on Christmas morning was so awesome! Tripping up those AT-ATs that morning was one of the more memorable moments in my gaming history.

A few months prior, for my best friend's September birthday, his mom took us to Toysrus and let him pick either the just released n64 +1 game OR the on-sale SegaCD and a bunch of games. He chose... poorly.

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