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Discussion on the Future of Humanity and Quantum Gravity
1 point by QuantumGravity on Nov 9, 2016 | hide | past | favorite
Research estimates the following distribution of matter and energy in the universe:

"The standard model of cosmology indicates that the total mass-energy of the universe contains 68% dark energy, 27% dark matter and 5% ordinary matter(everything else including the galaxies, stars, planets and us)." And according to current theories of physics, dark energy(also associated with Vacuum energy, cosmological constant, quantum vacuum) now dominates as the largest source of energy of the universe!!

That statement left me deeply puzzled and I questioned my friend,

Why is it that globally around the same time each month billions of people like us are forced to spend our hard earned money on utility bills like gas, water, power and rent etc. which then further forces us to live a stressful, unhealthy, unsafe and average lifestyle?

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