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I am by no means a js expert, but doesn't jquery essentially act as an abstraction layer to smooth over differences in browser behavior?

That was the one of the original use cases for jQuery, but browsers have gotten more compatible recently, so you may not need it anymore.

ES6+ Async/Wait make it extremely unnecessary

its extremely unnecessary in ES6 w/ isomorphic-fetch and promises. In fact I much prefer what's happening in that area. Really this seems unnecessary. Async JS isn't that hard and ES6 has come a long way to solving the issues imo.

I kinda feel that a hard ES6 dependency goes against the philosophy of this tool, which is arguing for simple libraries that can be simply used for small projects without buildchain dependencies, etc.

Saying "Front-end javascript is too complex, let's go back to our progressive enhancement roots" in one breath and "Requires webpack and ES6" in another doesn't jive IMO.

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