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Deep learning companies will start asking for Deep Learning knowledge on positions posted for Front-end/Back-end/Full-stack developers. It may be a bonus or may be a requirement.

I would caveat this a bit. There are various kinds of "deep learning companies".

These can either be horizontal plays or product focused. For the latter it doesn't matter as much. For full stack developers domain knowledge is usually a lot more helpful there.

For horizontal plays this can matter a bit more. I run a well funded deep learning startup and we are starting to hire full stack developers next year.

I have thought about this a bit and we would be looking for people at a minimum who have dealt with some basic machine learning before. Much of the stuff in deep learning we do is displaying some sort of output from a neural network (eg: various ways of displaying a choice a neural net makes). Being able to do things like visualizing clusters is also important (this would be d3). The other part of this would be a basic understanding of being able to communicate with a data pipeline of some kind. We are java based but I'm imagining a lot of startups would be python based in this case.

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