Thanks for that, the reason for rage quiting is more to do with the fact that the existing dev team is getting excluded and all of our concerns are shut down and, I hate to pull the "race" card, but it "just" so happens that the majority of the existing devs are migrants/minorities, whereas the new "leadership" team is not.
It feels like we are being treated like children and stuff like not being "real" software engineers coming from people who have contributed 0 to the existing code base really angers me (I am a very emotional/passionate person though).
I am very emotional at times too, especially when I feel an injustice has been done. I don't know your current circumstances, but I would advise not to read into this leadership change too much. Especially in racial terms.
It sounds like the incoming team indeed thinks of itself as superior in some respect. That's a dangerous way to think (regardless of whether race is involved), because they won't be able to learn anything if they've already disregarded the thoughts of those that were around before they showed up.
It also sounds like they are a bit more conservative ("convoluted code review processes... based on jira tickets") and perhaps a bit more authoritarian ("standard that must be followed for EVERYTHING").
Those may or may not be traits that the company needs to succeed at this point in time, but you're certainly not required to accept them or agree with all of them.
And you shouldn't be made to feel like a child if you've built the foundation of the product. It is disrespectful.
So you just need to ask yourself whether its worth it to try to work with them or just move on.
Thanks for your sincere advice and I have to admit I admire your "eloquence", not a native English speaker so I'm not sure this is the right word, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really really like the way you worded your understanding of the situation...
It sounds like the culture is shifting in a direction that doesn't fit with the way you'd like to work. Time to move on, simple as that.