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I don't find it hard to write asyncio code but I find it hard to generically interface with other people's asyncio code and that is lacking basic support like a context object or logical call contexts or just the lack of agreed upon usage patterns.

It does not help that asyncio evolves in the stdlib and changes with every major Python version. It might be less of an issue if this was pip installable I suppose. Right now writing utility code for asyncio is targeting many things.

I was talking with David Beazley and he had some of the same confusions around asyncio. I think it would be nice to revisit it with a round table and fix it in 3.7.

This should definitely happen, if at all possible.

Definitely fair, as time progresses I think cleaner patterns will emerge. By time many of the major libraries were around, there was a semi-standard Python programming style that was fairly easy to adhere to. Since this is somewhat of a paradigm shift for the stdlib it will take a little time too.

Personally I have been looking at some of the patterns taken by the team on aiohttp - I think they've done a good job and, iirc, one of their members is a core contributor to Python.

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