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At most, the only case made here is that Apple doesn't care one way or the other if you make any money selling your app; as long as apps are there and people are using them, Apple is happy.

The apps are a marketing tool for Apple. While they make some money reselling them, I can't imagine it's enough to get stockholders excited. All the sound and fury regarding app rejections and keeping the riffraff (Flash) out has more to do with brand management than technology or protectionism (not that Apple isn't protectionist...)

They're not just a marketing tool - they're also a switching cost. When you buy a new phone you have to consider which apps you'll have to replace, and which data you might need to move across. Less so than a large iTunes music collection, but still.

You are right. A better title would have been "Apple Doesn't Care Whether Your iPhone App Makes Money."

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