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DNSChain – A blockchain-based DNS and HTTP server (github.com/okturtles)
92 points by callaars on Oct 22, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Can it serve more than 6 HTTP requests per second worldwide?


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OkTurtles home: https://okturtles.com/

Latest commit, March 31st? Is it abandoned?

The creator of this, Greg Slepak, is very active in all kinds of blockchain technologies. My guess is that if this saw significant use, or bugs were reported, he would jump back on it full steam.

I think Slepak said he's waiting on Ethereum or blockstack to pick up where namecoin died.

Dead? Namecoin is about to have a major release.

There's next to no ongoing interest in it and the market confirms that.

really? eta? source?

Is anyone using block chains to verify ad serving and viewing?

At best, one can prove that the ad was served to a computer, not actually viewed by a user. Unless there's an incentive for the user to view the ad, as there are rewards for mining blocks, this model probably wont work. Granted, there are ways to incentivizes the user, such as paying users to view ads, but this kind of defeats the purpose of getting the user to pay your and doesn't really require a blockchain.

How would this work? Ad-viewing is a client-side function.

The device where the impression is served would do a little work, proving that the ad was indeed viewed and thus preventing fraud.

Is that even possible to prove?

Yes, but only if the viewer proceeds to buy the advertised item.

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