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I flipped the switch to take the website live, enabled google ads and went to a friend's barbecue. We had the first customer before I was done with the first glass of wine.

The effectiveness of ads has unfortunately dropped over the years, but in the first 20 months or so built a roster of 10,000 customers or so who have stayed very loyal and allowed us to expand to products with much higher volume.

Would you say this strategy was a good way to go from zero customers to a foundation on which you could then use more effective ways to continue to grow? Can you offer some insight in why you think your early ad campaign was effective and how to go about doing this? Thanks!

Two things:

- Starting in a niche, then expanding into really competitive markets worked we'll for us

- Try every that's cheap to try. In advertisement, you want to spend a few dozen $ on everyone who's willing to take them, then invest heavily when ROI is positive. There are many people who just do google and maybe Facebook. But while that's 90% of their market, you sometimes get lucky and find a niche that gets you as much revenue as the two combined.

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