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LBRY (https://lbry.io) is designed to do this. On GitHub: https://github.com/lbryio

Disclosure: I'm the CEO

Isn't this essentially IPFS plus namecoin-with-bidding? That's what I got from the reddit AMA. I'm not sure how it addresses storage.

Also, just trying to be constructive here, but you guys really need to work on branding. The AMA went about as poorly as it possibly could have because you didn't have good presentation. Here's how you have to pitch the whole "bidding for URLs" thing; "There are permanent, long-form URLs like on YouTube. But people can bid on short-form URLs if they want to as well. You have to bid on them so squatters can't take them all over. If someone outbids you, you get your money back. We make no money from this." Boom, every inane reddit comment about "corporations will buy all the video links, man!" shut down.

I agree! The AMA had a lot of confusion, exacerbated (or arguably caused) by materials that poorly explained LBRY on our end.

To address this, we've written up this FAQ answer: https://lbry.io/faq/naming

We've also communicated the truth better inside of our community, but it is tough to get that message back out to everyone that saw the AMA.

That whole bidding for URLs thing is making it dead on arrival for me. What incentive could there possibly be?

Only vanity URLs are reserved rather than owned. See this for more: https://lbry.io/faq/naming

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