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I can understand being on call for your own code, but often that's just not the case.

Infrastructure can go off the rails as well, clusters can go on the fritz, upstream might be having issues, a release update on your infrastructure side might introduce problems. I just don't see that falling on the developers who also must maintain the code-base for the product.

That just means that being on-call for your own code results in good code, a love for automated testing, and a seething grudge against EC2 and its tendency to have multi-zone outages at 3 AM. It doesn't matter what time zone you're in, by the way; the outage will always, always page you at 3 AM.

If the issues for things that aren't your fault happen are infrequent, then it's not a huge burden, and developers may be able to help with mitigation: ex if your internet bandwidth is cut in half because of a fiber cut, how can you move or shed load to have a stable, degraded system.

If the issues are frequent, then it provides incentive to build fault tolerance. (And also seething grudges for fault prone infrastructure)

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