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Don't upgrade a when it wants a half-baked x. Choose versions of a and b that agree on a known-good version of x. If there aren't any, it's not sane to use a and b together unless x is written very carefully to accommodate data from past and future versions of itself.

It's not as simple as that. Lodash is a great example of why the highlander rule doesn't work within the npm ecosystem: older versions are depended on by many widely-used packages which are now "complete" or abandoned. Refusing to use any packages which depend on the latest version of Lodash is just not practical.

That's not how it works. There will be two copies of x in the require cache. They don't know of each other's existence.

I'm arguing for choosing dependency versions that don't require you to break the highlander rule. "a is updated to 2.0" doesn't mean you should start using that version of a right now.

Right but what I'm saying is that two versions of the same library will live quite happily together, because node.js absolutely abhors global scope. The two versions have their own module-level scope to store functions and data.

So go crazy and install every version of lodash! Nothing will break.

That will work for lodash, because it's just a bag of functions. But anything that creates objects that are passed outside of a single module could have problems.

There was actually a high profile bug when someone ended up with two versions of react included in the same page: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/1939.

That seems to be a slightly different situation? As the issue poster described, a single page had invoked two copies of React, both of which assumed ownership of a particular "global" variable. (Not really global, but a particular member of a global.)

I'm not a React expert, but I don't see why that situation would only affect multiple React copies with different versions?

I'm not a large JS developer but with my other experiences managing dependencies, it doesn't always allow this as a possibility. A bug in your system is tracked down to the library b using x@1.0 but the fix is to upgrade to b with x@2.0 however a using x@1.0 doesn't have an upgrade path. Waiting for another company or organization to release with an update is not an option. Our projects have several cases of requiring different versions of the same library -- we try to avoid this using the same logic you suggest but it's not a possibility in all cases so we have to work with it.

It's placing your own release cycle at the whims of your dependencies' release cycles. In the corporate world that would not be a viable solution.

It's almost certain that a's version of x and b's version of x have distinct types whose names collide, and I don't know of any Typescript or Flow notation to prevent passing incompatible instances between them (e.g., a wants to call a method that didn't exist in b's version of x), so if anything works it's only by luck.

Edit: I haven't dug into this, but it might be possible to use Typescript namespaces to distinguish a and b's versions of x. https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-fil...

Node's module system doesn't import dependencies into a global namespace. So the `x` required by `a` and the `x` required by `b` will have separate namespaces and won't conflict, or even know of each others' existence. There are pros and cons to this approach, but it definitely does work. Flow, at least, (and presumably Typescript) understands the module resolution logic and handles this very common situation without issue.

It's not possible to import two different versions of a module in the same module.

If a depends on x v1 and exports this dependency then your application also imports x v1. If b depends on x v2 and exports this dependency too that means your application is transitively importing both x v1 and x v2 which is not possible.

If a or b only use instances of x internally and do not accept instances of x as parameter or return an instance of x they don't have to export their dependency on x.

If either a or b do not export their dependency on x then there is no problem. Your application will only depend only on x v1 or x v2 directly.

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