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> he resigned BECAUSE he was found to support discriminatory policies

This is false. He resigned because he was a target of personal destruction campaign, and received no support from people who he had to work with/for. The was attacked by political activists and his organization threw him under the bus.

> Women who resigned because they are harassed are victims of discrimination

He was harassed plenty. Of course, not the same harassment - not of sexual kind - but it didn't make his environment less hostile, wasn't less related to work performance or wasn't less personally painful and hurtful. The only difference is that you think it's OK to harass him - because he deserved it for committing the thoughtcrime.

> The crime begets the punishment.

Here we get to the point. Disagreeing with the orthodoxy is the crime, and be happy your punishment is only losing your job and not the room 101. We get it, believe me.

He didn't commit thoughtcrime. He supported discrimination against a group of people, which is a violation of their Human Right to be treated equally.

Therefore he supported the violation of human rights. People didn't like it, and he had to resign because he couldn't work anymore. That's it.

If you don't think violation of Human Rights and/or supporting it is a problem you can get behind Eich all you want.

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