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> its a good opportunity to educate them

Am I the only one to receive disarming responses when trying to educate anybody over this matter? The vast majority of people (and when I say "vast majority" I mean everybody but two or three people tops, so far) I tried to explain things to don't care. All they have to say are things like "Where is your tinfoil hat?", "This is conspiracy theory", "If they want to spy us there's nothing we can do" and the never old "I have nothing to fear because I have nothing to hide."

Even when you provide material from authoritative sources you still risk being told "Bullshit, go figure who wrote this".

My laptop is black and I keep a piece of black electrical tape over it so it's mostly unnoticeable if you aren't close enough. I do this to avoid giving explanations because from my experience it is pointless.

"I have nothing to fear because I have nothing to hide."

The best comeback to this is usually asking if they have drapes/shades for their windows at home. I think I read that in a CCC guide to talking about privacy/security somewhere. At least that has lead to somewhat interesting discussions and the occasional moment of "you might have a point".

"I have nothing to fear because I have nothing to hide."

Cool. Now, can I have your wallet/purse? Also, get naked. I want to see what you're hiding under your clothes.

And you can forward your medical record, along with your business emails to me as well.

Because you have nothing to hide....

I like, "Mind if I read your text messages? Hand me your phone"

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