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I use Mesos and K8s heavily as well as contribute back to the projects, and while I do agree this is leaning towards being fan-fare there is a bit of truth to this.

Community is a big deal, people tend to underestimate this; Putting aside newer companies, when a larger enterprise ventures out to open source they do take community as a major factor as you have to consider the tool you build will have to last 5 years, maybe 10, maybe more.

To delve further into the Docker side of things, I personally wish that the company would focus on its core business instead of stretching itself with extra things. I get the need to improve the UX, which they do very well considering how far we have come from LXC.

I feel Mesosphere starting to go down the feature creep route as well, but I wish them all the best as I loved Mesos since the beginning all those years ago.

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