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Cynicism is definitely healthy.

* Very fair point, just added to our Asana.

* Client's money. We've spent about $20k of our money over the past six months or so. I would argue we're even more on the hook when it's someone else's money (and we do a lot of design / content marketing in house, that you may normally pay for externally), but I definitely take your point.

* Also fair point, but some data is better than no data IMO (otherwise how do you prioritize this massive list?). Open to suggestions though!

* Yeah we do try to; are you talking blog post now or playbook? We see our blog posts as living, dynamic products in their own right; we plan to update this with more useful information (and edit it down to remove unnecessary info) over time.

* We actually get that feedback all the time. "I don't know what you guys do, but it looks cool" is like the main line we get when we talk to leads. However, the site converts at 19% (seriously) and we haven't been able to beat it yet by being more informative. Working on it!

<tips cap> I'm relishing people actually caring enough to take the time to (fairly) criticize us. Much better than languishing in obscurity. :-)

>Also fair point, but some data is better than no data IMO (otherwise how do you prioritize this massive list?). Open to suggestions though!

Like I said, just have a 1 through 4 system. 1 being most important (or vice versa). It's roughly the level of accuracy you have already, and it accurately portrays that these are estimations/opinions, not actually data-driven numbers.

Makes sense. Pretty big change conceptually so jotted it down for our next co-founders meeting.

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