+1 for drive having the worst organization of all doc tools currently in existence.
Give me a windows remote shared directory, a sharepoint, a dropbox, just anything that would let me work.
Drive is only good at making a single isolated file and sharing that file over gmail.
It is lacking notions of structured and shared folders. No thought was given to sharing documents across the company/teams/services, EXCEPT to make a single document sent by email.
Drive is needlessly complex. On my laptop I have folder structures. In zip files and tarballs you have structure. You even get hierarchy in a CD.
Trying to find your way around Drive (esp. when sharing between enterprises) is a nightmare for me. Google could cement some really good mindshare if they made shared folders/docs more intuitive.
I suppose that depends on what you mean by complexity. I prefer lists to trees, in general. After I reorganized my Dropbox into only 1 layer of folders, I've found it much easier to navigate. But hey, that's just my anecdote.
Yes +1 Google drive is terrible for organising files in folders. And when multiple people share files with you daily if becomes even worse. I have given up on it.
Now I just use search, which works most of the time, especially if I remember at least one word in the file title. But sometimes relevancy and order of search results seems to screwed up.