I honestly thought this would be the sorry of a developer frustrated with Go's lack of package manager and its pragmatism... wrong!
That said, I would like to be the first to say the following; is it really that necessary to not only include "Go" in the title of the post (as if it were a feature) but also in the name of the application? There, I said it ;) /s
There's an unwritten rule that says that if you program Go, whether you love it or hate it, you must ensure everybody knows about it. It would just be irresponsible otherwise.
This is a pretty common theme in new languages. New projects in Ruby used to have a strong tendency of starting with 'r', and I'd be surprised if it didn't use to be the case in others as well.
Guava, Storm, Guice, Apache Commons, Spring, Tomcat, Dagger. Sure you have your JMeter, JUnit, Jboss, but that trend is less so in newer packages, in my experience.
A better example would be Elixir, where every package is Ex Something, e.g. ExUnit, Exometer, ExRated.
I wish Twitter really had a way to filter subscriptions by "channels". If you tweet about databases and I subscribe because you did, I don't want to get photos of your daughter's birthday, your wedding, your favorite gang-star rap music, or your opinion about Hillary or Trump. I ended up un-following a lot of prominent devs because of this.
If Twitter had a way to filter followed people messages by keyword or hashtag It would lead to a healthier environment on that platform. Unfortunately since Twitter basically locked access to its API, writing a fully featured client with that capability isn't even a viable alternative for the terrible UX ...
This is an unsolved problem; some people work around it by managing multiple twitter accounts, one for each "channel". It doesn't scale by topics, though.
OTOH if I have to think about which channel / user I tweet to, I think people would tweet less. A bit of noise is ok, I guess.
Not a complete solution, but if you use a third-party client like Tweetbot (on iOS & Mac) or Fenix (Android) you should be able to setup a variety of mute filters, for example by keyword or hashtag. Putting Trump & Hillary as mute filters is one of the quickest ways to make your tweetstream more sane.
I still tweet sometimes about Eurovision, which I know must annoy many of my followers, so I try to use the hashtag on every Eurovision related post so that others can mute it if they're not interested. (I guess I should do the same for infosec & coding, so Eurovision fans who aren't into the tech stuff can mute those too.)
Nice idea, I didn't find a good client on PC that does it.
But it shouldn't be up to you or your followers to sort the tweets, I don't understand why Twitter doesn't implement this basic feature. The hell it could be something done in the front-end with no server-side code involved at all.
Author here, I wrote this tool just for fun and to learn go, no bad reason indeed or obsession et simila, that's all, I posted it here to receive feedbacks to improve me so any suggestion will be appreciated, thanks in advantage!
Please don't! As someone who has unfollowed people and then been confronted (sometimes in person!) over my reasons for unfollowing, this would be very frustrating. It'd be a cool technical exercise perhaps, but socially a bad idea.
The aim of that one is to delete all tweets... but, to do so by scraping Twitter's "First Tweet" page for the oldest tweet.
This needs to be done as it's not actually possible to delete old Tweets using the Twitter API as you cannot find your oldest tweets.
What I would like to achieve is to have Tweets be temporal, and to self-destruct after a period of time. The nature of the way that I use the service is that it is conversational, and a Tweet taken out of context long after the conversation is likely to not be a good representation of my views (fitting reason into 140 chars is hard).
I already use [Tweet Delete](http://www.tweetdelete.net/), but wanted to go back and nuke the older tweets too, hence this code.
That no longer returns my first Tweet, it's borked. My profile still shows I have 1,700+ tweets, but they seem to be totally inaccessible now. Oh well. I did manage to delete a good thousand or so, a small triumph.
Anyhow, Go code and Twitter, I heartily recommend this project:
I have to agree with the other comments here that there doesn't seem to be much utility and there are already tools that do this. Additionally, without doing the work for you I don't see how you are doing this any new or interesting way.
To take this to a constructive place, maybe this is more of a Show HN thing, rather than a release, where you show your interesting code.
The comments a little short, but the question is valid. What use is the information that "TwitterUser123" un-followed you?
Are you going to write that person and ask why? Are you going to change your tweets because someone doesn't like your writing style, political views or personality?
It's a fun little project, but it's of little actual value.
There's heaps of marketing tools (random example: http://who.unfollowed.me/ ) around to track who followed you and to auto-follow and un-follow people based on whether they're following you. Many accounts on Twitter inflate their 'Followers' count by auto-following others in the hope that they follow back.
If they don't follow back after x days you can unfollow them again so that your 'Following' number isn't too inflated, and the ratio of 'Following'/'Followers' is better.
It's a problem because people use vanity metrics like follower counts as a proxy for the popularity of a company and its product. That incentivizes businesses to inflate their follow counts.
In the real world, 10,000 useless bot or "follow back" followers should be less valuable than a thousand interested followers who are likely to buy something and promote your business.
In social media world its easier for startups to get the thousand "good" followers if they also have 10,000 worthless followers because the good followers will dismiss a business if its only followers are the co-founders and their moms.
They'd lop off a chunk of the ecosystem around their product that helps give it value, is what. Desirable as it might be, don't look for that to happen any time soon.
That said, I would like to be the first to say the following; is it really that necessary to not only include "Go" in the title of the post (as if it were a feature) but also in the name of the application? There, I said it ;) /s