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He summarized the most upvoted posts from the last thread [1] really well.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12328088

Regarding datetimes, it's worth pointing out the conversation that TOML had about it. It's a pretty long read [2][3][4][5] with lots of points raised for and against, but it also shows some of the process of how consensus was eventually forged: through trial-and-error, some enlightening realizations, expert opinions, and a willingness to leave some aspects of the behavior it up to parser, to avoid requiring all other languages to reimplement half of Java 8 Time.

[2] https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/pull/414

[3] https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/pull/362

[4] https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/issues/412

[5] https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/issues/263

The salient point being that RFC 3339 does not in truth describe exactly one datatype, so you can't just reference the spec and hope everyone reads it the same way. EDIT: Specifically, RFC 3339 says:

"Date and time expressions indicate an instant in time. Description of time periods, or intervals, is not covered here.", but then goes on to define [6] a number of different syntaxes in ABNF, to indicate the subsets of ISO 8601 that "SHOULD be used in new protocols on the Internet." It essentially never defines what a 'valid' RFC 3339 object looks like, it doesn't explicitly say which ones are considered complete representations, so it's not clear if, say, '2016' is a valid RFC 3339 object... but the ones towards the bottom contain more than one discrete term, and can be presumed to be 'complete' representations. These are:

[A] partial-time: HH:MM:SS(.SSS)

[B] full-date: YYYY-MM-DD

[C] full-time: 'partial-time' +/- offsetFromUTC(HH:MM)

[D] date-time: 'full-date' "T" 'full-time'

Out of these, [D] is clearly a timestamp of an absolute instant in time, but the rest are debatable.

[6] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6

> He summarized the most upvoted posts from the last thread [1] really well.

I feel like he glossed right past the objections to the biggest and (to my mind) most destructive proposed change, the commas-to-whitespace thing; in fact doubles down on it (let's just declare that commas are whitespace! That surely won't confuse anyone!)

I've written a few JSON parsers over the years that treat commas as whitespace. The grammar is simpler and the parser is faster as result. As long as one always emits standards-compliant JSON there's no problem.

Had the JSON standard supported ECMAScript array holes [1,,,2,,3] this grammar shortcut would not have been possible. But luckily that's not the case.

Well, that's the thing, though: sure, for machine parsing it really doesn't matter what you use as a delimiter.

But the only reason to get rid of commas is to eliminate the trailing comma problem, which only occurs when hand-editing JSON. Replacing that with whitespace, or worse both whitespace and commas, would be a lot more prone to hand-editing errors, I think, than would the much less drastic change of allowing trailing commas. Or better still of just leaving JSON as is and letting people use a more robust protocol, if that fits their needs, or pre-parsing whatever special snowflake variations they want into standards-compliant JSON.

I'm more or less in agreement with the commenter on his site who said

> this entire proposal pretty much comes down to "I like JSON, but need more and am too lazy to write the extra 3 line wrapper to process type 'x'." I'd say no thanks. https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2016/08/20/Fixing-JS...

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