Having my dad buying an IBM PC with a CGA monitor, I can't say how much you are right. The Amiga graphics architecture was so much above everything at the time... Few years after that I wen into the demoscene and it was horribly difficult to achieve what the copper CPU could do... You had to time scanline readline with devious accuracy, change palette registers in non obvious ways, atc. And don't even talk about the music , the Amiga soundchip was eaqually powerfull and the soundblaster card, although it could play better sound, was absolutely nowhere to actually mix sound. Oh yes, I missed the Amiga :-) Fortunaltely, the PC took over, so what I've learnt chasing the Amiga is actually useful :-)
Yeah me too. I had great fun and learnt so much. When I ended up doing a little Windows programming at work some years later - I couldn't believe how horrible it was compared to Intuition. No surprise my career majored on *nix. :)