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There was a time when Heroku seemed just as foreign to me as Docker does in this article.

- So shared webhosting is dead, apparently Heroku is the future?

- Why Ruby, why not just PHP?

- Wait, what's Rails? Is that different from Ruby?

- What's MVC, why do I need that for my simple website?

- Ok, so I need to install RubyGems? What's a Gemfile.lock? None of these commands work on Windows.

- I don't like this new text editor. Why can't I just use Dreamweaver?

- You keep talking about Git. Do I need that even if I'm working alone?

- I have to use command line to update my site? Why can't I just use FTP?

- So Github is separate from Git? And my code is stored on Github, not Heroku?

- Wait, I need to install both PGSql and SQLite? Why is this better than MySQL?

- Migrations? Huh?

When you heard about Rails it sounds like it was mature enough for you to start using it. Because it was a serious improvement over PHP, as I took a similar route. Docker/virtualization is still early and people are figuring out how the pieces fit together, and what the best pieces are. So it's best to wait until then (IMO).

To be fair, a lot of these questions are valid. You arguably /don't/ need MVC for yours simple website, if Dreamweaver floats your boat you might as well use it, it's unclear why a small website needs an elaborate deployment infrastructure, using a VCS for personal code can be overkill, PGSql and SQLite aren't better than MySQL for every use case -- and so on.

Frameworks, orchestrations, even just new technologies -- these are great if they actually make your job easier or if they make your product better. Unfortunately, they often do exactly the opposite.

Agree until

> using a VCS for personal code can be overkill

I've been burned before, have you? If you're using something like Google Drive, you should use DropBox instead, since it seems less likely to lose your work.

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