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The Update Framework (theupdateframework.github.io)
140 points by ashitlerferad on Aug 8, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

Everyone: Read this. At least the threat models.

Do not assume all software you currently use gets these things right.

From the spec:

> Delegated trust can be revoked at any time by the delegating role signing new metadata that indicates the delegated role is no longer trusted.

This is a mistake, as it means that a client must receive the new metadata in order to be made aware of the revocation. The correct approach is either to delegate trust for a particular time period (determining how long is a risk-based decision), or to specify an online trust check (this fails safe).

Every metadata file, including those that specify delegations, have an expiration. There are also higher-level expirations in the snapshot and timestamp files (a delegation won't be trusted if it's referenced by an out-of-date snapshot or timestamp)

I.e. there are multiple time-based controls in place

Doesn't the `snapshot.json` file protect against "not being aware of the revocation"? Since `snapshot.json` can be trusted to be up-to-date (due to being included by hash in `timestamp.json`), and `snapshot.json` has a hash of all metadata files, we can be sure that our metadata is up-to-date (or at most as old as the interval after which `timestamp.json` is considered out of date, which is as you say a risk-based decision). And our metadata includes the delegations, so if the metadata is up to date, then so is our delegation information.

So obviously we have to wonder why TUF hasn't been applied to NodeJS's npm. All I can find is a suggestion that maybe someone from TUF posted to a node mailing list in 2014 [1]. Any more recent info?

[1]: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?fromgroups#!topic/theupda...

AFAIK several language package managers have looked at implementing TUF for their repositories, but the only live implementation that I know of is Docker Content Trust.

I kind of think it's an important part of secure management of libraries. As the Fosshub breach last week showed, software repo's are tempting targets for attackers...

Hackage/Cabal also has at least a partial implementation of TUF.

And opam (OCaml) is working on it too.

I assume that you'd first need a native JS TUF package published to NPM. I don't think that adding another language dependency is a decision that would be taken lightly. Additionally, I don't see any Windows instructions (NB: python-ffi) and Node supports Windows as a first-class citizen.

The Github PR for merging this into Rubygems is ~3 years old: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/pull/719

Shouldn't this be part of the OS?

sigh. I know there are those in the Python/Pypy community that thing everything should be done via pip; not the system manager. Others say we should have system packages (and they make elaborate systems that check for new python packages they use and build them with fpm).

I really prefer the system managers, but what if things don't get new packages in a timely manager. When I was on openstack security, we used the Cannonical repos since they updated faster than the Debian repos, but some major exploits would be left out there for half a month (which lead down the path of; do we want to run our own CI-builds so we can deploy CVE patches immediately).

This isn't even getting into the issues with Java/Scala/Groovy projects that could have jars with exploits embedded within the project (most OS packages let projects keep their own jars, instead of using a set of system jars. Gentoo tries to use system jars, but oh boy is that it's own crazy mess). There are lots of programs that embedded C/C++ libraries for stability/error reporting (I'm looking at you Firefox/Libreoffice) and hence there are scanning tools for finding these embedded libraries with security issues (some guy did a talk on this at Ruxcon 2012 I believe).

TL;DR It's turtles all the way down.

Probably, but should language package managers wait until all major OSes add this functionality or should they implement it themselves?

Quite obligatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/927/

While this link is the expected joke, it is not joke at all.

I'm writing software updater right now. Security is one of major concerns. Target platform, both client and server side is Linux. I write most of the code in Python. Looks like great opportunity to use TUF. But it is not. My updater has so many specific requirements that TUF is not nearly what I need. More than this, TUF is not subset of what I need and cannot be foundation for what I need, even from security perspective.

Can you share what your different requirements that are not supported by TUF are?

Software is split into a few overlays. Each overlay is filesystem slice, some overlays may have intersection. They are merged in specific order to get the final filesystem. Some overlays may be version-related (v1, v2), some environment-related (test, live), some may contain specific device configuration. Ordered overlay set forms an update stream. (That's just terminology we use, I do not want to teach somebody how to call things right)

Initially client knows only own hardware ID (which is just sha256 of part serials, MAC, etc.), and registers itself on server, which is allowed only from trusted networks. During registration client receives unique HTTP client certificate. Later administrator approves registration and assigns client specific stream. Stream may include sensitive information, like unique credentials to access some other services. Some overlays, which are not secret, like executables, 3rd party libraries, OSS stuff, are just rsynced to save time and bandwidth, but others like configuration and credentials, are downloaded over HTTP with client certificate authentication. Overlays are merged on client side in memory and applied in semi-atomic way (series of file moves within partition, not writes or other I/O in between).

There are a few other requirements, like log if devices tries to register second time, log if device tries to register from non-trusted network, log every update attempt, successful or failed, etc. And this is of course just brief overview. For instance, administrator approving registration is not a single person, but group of administrators, each with different permissions on streams. Client cannot download stream of some other client, and cannot get any information on overlays used by other clients, etc.

I do not see any way generic updater [framework] (not only TUF) to fulfill my requirements not causing more problem, than solved.

Most of what you describe is external to TUF (authenticating, logging, the specifics of the data you're protecting and how you transfer it once it's validated).

A couple things you pointed out are definitely hard with TUF right now:

> For instance, administrator approving registration is not a single person, but group of administrators, each with different permissions on streams

TUF is being actively developed and this type of approval pattern is planned: https://github.com/theupdateframework/tuf/issues/346

> Client cannot download stream of some other client, and cannot get any information on overlays used by other clients, etc.

This is currently a limitation of TUF, but it is known and there are some tentative plans to address it. If you have specific use cases you'd like to contribute to the discussion, there are GitHub issues and the mailing list.

I think it's worth pointing out that even if you don't use TUF, you need to be thinking about the vulnerabilities it's designed to protect against. Once you start doing that you'll probably end up with something similar modulo formats and transport.

Complete shot into the blue, but could nix [0] provide something that you need?

[0] https://nixos.org/nix/

Yeah, we're in a similar boat. We're writing a custom updater and a lot of the security aspect of what we need is already taken care of by our framework but we can't just whole-sale use TUF. I'm definitely starting and checking out this document for guidelines because we've already seen some issues that I'm sure other people who write updaters have figured out the optimal way to solve.

TUF defines a series of threat models which are uniquely and clearly enumerated. It then provides a series of protocols for reasonable key rotation systems that address those threats.

"Those threats" in this case are things which major package managers you rely on currently get dangerously wrong. (I'd rather leave this sans naming of names and as a "think critically" thing, but seriously: for one example, look at apt and how it handles rollback prevention.)

TUF is not a pointless competing new standard. It contains useful information and constructive thoughts. If you think the 15-standards XKCD is a relevant dismissal... try giving it another read in the morning.

(I'm sorry, but this XKCD really raises my hackles when used wantonly. I've never seen such a good description of threats to update systems as the TUF spec. I link to it constantly as an educational material. It's really not constructive to dismiss it with a webcomic link.)

We've got a great update framework already, if only everyone would use it: git.

Seriously. I can't think why this wouldn't "just work".

From " 1.5.2. Goals for specific attacks to protect against" from the TUF spec:

Git protects against:

    * Arbitrary installation attacks. (Because metadata is signed)
    * Extraneous dependencies attacks. (Because metadata is signed)
    * Mix-and-match attacks. (Because a git commit hash depends on its parents)
    * Rollback attacks, assuming you make sure you only fast-forward when pulling.
    * Wrong software installation.
It does not protect against:

    * Indefinite freeze attacks. The attacker could 
      just replay the same signed git repository for a long time.
    * Vulnerability to key compromises. (Everyone can sign any commit, no separation)
It also has no built-in support for mirrors, and you cannot delegate trust to sub-maintainers easily, since any person who can sign a commit may potentially modify every file in the repo.

So I don't see how `git` is a valid solutions to the problems that TUF wants to solve.

Seriously, git is overused, actually misused, in places where it's a bad fit, just because we know it and it resembles some desired characteristics of the problem at hand. This then leads to package indexes which periodically cull the history and force-push the index. I'm sorry, but while some of the architecture of git may be applicable, just taking git and using it as a package index is plain wrong. Also, putting that much of a load on free github repos is not nice towards github's already regularly DDoS'ed network.

You can't think of it because you don't understand TUF's theat model.

Because it means downloading the entire history when all you want is the latest version.

git clone --depth=1, git fetch --depth=1, etc. Though I suppose then you get things like https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/4989#issuecomm...

When your only tool is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail.

When your only proverb is a hammer everything starts to look like a hammer.

If you've got a really good hammer, you can use it to hammer in anything, including those fancy carpenter nails with threads and Phillips heads.

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