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The raspberry pi 3 runs in 32 and 64 mode. There is no >>LINUX<< 64-bit kernel for it currently...

Exactly which OS runs on rpi3 in 64-bit mode? Because Windows 10 and RiscOS ain't it.

Have not tried this myself, but it seems like FreeBSD does: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11226386

Author is asking for 64-bit ARM hardware, not software...

You, however, were claiming, that rpi3 does run in 64-bit mode, just not with linux:

> The raspberry pi 3 runs in 32 and 64 mode. There is no >>LINUX<< 64-bit kernel for it currently...

To my knowledge, rpi3 has 64-bit CPU, but all operating systems and bootloaders available run only in 32-bit mode, no exceptions. That means that rpi3 in future theoretically can run in 64-bit mode, but certainly does not today.

Pee bootloader runs on the gpu, so that doesnt matter much. Current bootloader can bootstrap ARM in 64bit mode, as is evidenced by freebsd port and https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1379... (all but the gpu works)

You are claiming that you know >>all<< operating systems and bootloaders and that >>all<< run only in 32-bit mode - with no exceptions... a big claim about your knowledge...

So you know even all non-public bootloaders and OS-es...

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