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>>> Where would I have put my images? In the database: MongoDB. It would require no configuration and almost no code.

Why... would anyone actually do that in anything more than a classroom example for an application like the one described? Amazon S3 and similar services have very decent libraries for pretty much every popular programming language, why would you re-implement that?

>>> MVP and scalability can coexist

I'd replace that with less catchy but probably more correct 'experienced devs can make more scalable mvps with little extra cost, if any'. MVP doesn't mean lets just go silly and make the quickest and dirtiest decision imaginable.

It's a matter of experience to recognize potential problems and the respective potential solutions, and program accordingly. SQL schema is a pretty good example. Often it makes a big difference in scaling and often you can design the initial schema to be much more scalable with some experience and a few moments of planning.

I read that and thought "MongoDB users typically store images in the database? Interesting"

The author says in the article that putting images in the database is not what he did.

I think the point the parent is trying to make is that no one would do that anyway, and mentioning it in the article as something that makes your application slow is pointless.

Exactly. Somewhat dramatic, but equivalent of saying 'decided to use postgresql instead of flat files, therefore scalable'.

That's why I was really wondering if there are people who find strong reasons to do that.

But the article mentions he used Google's cloud, and the OP asked "Why would anyone reimplement AWS?"

It sure seemed like the OP skimmed the article, found something out of context, and refuted it here.

Nope, I read it. Maybe just didn't explain my point clearly enough.

He mentioned that he is using Google Cloud instead of storing images in MongoDB and my question was what's the big deal about it? It doesn't seem like something you'd do to make it more scalable, it's something you'd do anyway.

I've seen plenty of people suggest or question which is better, storing files in a database or outside of a database.

Like just about everything, each has trade-offs.

I don't find it immediately obvious that a database would never be used for such a thing, or that reaching for a third party file storage service is the only solution to consider.

OP is just saying that in general even a pretty novice programmer who also strongly believed in the MVP mindset still wouldn't store images directly in the database. I think he was just using S3 as an example since it is the most popular solution for web developers right now.

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